Embracing Nature Is the Lesson Learnt From The Ongoing Covid-19 Situation - Top Builder in jaipur
10th Jan 2024

Embracing Nature Is the Lesson Learnt From The Ongoing Covid-19 Situation


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on our lives, including how we perceive and interact with the built environment. As businesses adapt to the challenges presented by the pandemic, there is a valuable lesson to be learned: embracing nature in commercial spaces.

In this blog from R-Tech, the proud developers of Capital High-Street Jaipur, a leading office space in Jagatpura Jaipur, we explore the lessons learned from the ongoing Covid-19 situation and the benefits of integrating nature into commercial spaces. From improved well-being to increased productivity, discover why nature should be a vital component of our workplaces.

1.    Creating Healthier Environments: 
a. Biophilic Design: Explaining the concept of biophilic design, which emphasizes the connection between humans and nature in the built environment. Integrating natural elements like plants, natural light, and water features can improve air quality, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being.

b. Improved Indoor Air Quality: Discussing how the presence of plants can help purify the air, remove toxins, and increase oxygen levels, leading to healthier indoor environments and reducing the spread of airborne diseases.

2.    Enhancing Employee Well-being: 
a. Stress Reduction: Exploring how exposure to nature, such as greenery and natural light, can alleviate stress and improve mental health in the workplace. Natural elements have a calming effect and contribute to a more relaxed and productive atmosphere.

b. Increased Productivity: Citing studies that show a positive correlation between access to nature and employee productivity. Nature-inspired settings can enhance creativity, focus, and cognitive performance, leading to improved work outcomes.

3.    Biophilic Design Strategies: 
a. Living Walls and Vertical Gardens: Highlighting the benefits of incorporating living walls or vertical gardens, which bring nature into limited spaces and add visual appeal while improving air quality.

b. Natural Light and Views: Discussing the importance of maximizing natural light and providing views of nature, as they contribute to circadian rhythm regulation, mood enhancement, and a connection to the outdoor environment.

c. Outdoor Spaces and Green Roofs: Exploring the creation of outdoor spaces or green roofs that provide employees with opportunities for relaxation, socialization, and exposure to nature during breaks or work activities.

Lets’ divert from our topic and share something INTERESTING with you – here is a list of five popular floor plants for our every business park.

•    Dracaena Limelight – One of the most stunning floor plants to be found in an office, the golden leathery leaves of this shrub can dominate the view.

•    Dracaena Marginata Branched – Another of the Dracaena family, but this is very different as it supports foliage that seems more like a series of large, willowy spikes. It can stand three or four feet high, making them ideal to use against pillars and to line walls or divisions. It requires only a minimum amount of light, meaning it can brighten up even the dullest boardroom.

•    Codiaeum Petra – This is a very distinctive shrub, with fiery red- and copper-coloured leathery leaves mixed in with a light green variety to produce a virtual explosion of colour in the office. It is perfectly suited to the office environment because it dislikes cold weather, flourishes in temperatures that are not too hot, and does not require a huge amount of watering.

•    The Butterfly Palm – Light and fresh in appearance, the Butterfly Palm is a favourite floor plant to place standing by office pillars, against walls and to use as a means of natural segregation between different office areas.

•    The Weeping Podocarpus Gracilior – Also known as the Fern Tree, the Weeping Podocarpus Glacilior is perhaps one of the most delicate looking trees that one can have in the office. The shrub will typically grow to just 2 or 3 feet in height, but possess tiny leaves that give it a sprinkling of green effect. Again, this light foliage means that the sense of space in the office is enhanced, not reduced as might occur with thicker, heavier foliage.

Coming back to our topic……

4.    Increased Sustainability:

a. Environmental Impact: Discussing how incorporating nature into commercial spaces aligns with sustainable practices. Green infrastructure helps mitigate urban heat island effects, reduce energy consumption, and promote biodiversity in urban environments.

b. Brand Image and Stakeholder Perception: Highlighting how businesses that prioritize sustainability and embrace nature in their commercial spaces enhance their brand image and attract environmentally conscious stakeholders.

5.    Flexibility and Adaptability: 

a. Agile Work Environments: Discussing the importance of flexible office designs that can accommodate changing needs, including the incorporation of nature. Adaptable spaces that integrate natural elements provide a sense of connection and well-being, whether employees are working from home, in the office, or in hybrid work models.

By embracing nature in commercial spaces, businesses can create healthier, more productive, and sustainable environments for their employees and stakeholders. The R-Tech’s perception of lessons learned from the current Covid-19 situation emphasize the importance of integrating nature into our workspaces, fostering a harmonious relationship between humans and the natural world. So, if you want to invest in a property that is sharing hands with nature and technologies at its best, its time you explore R-Tech’s office space at Jagatpura Jaipur.